Secondary (11-16)

Registration: Before leaving your young people with us for the first time, please complete a registration form. 

Sunday School and activities: Older children can attend Sunday School and Activities (see above) until they turn 13. After that, they may be able to help as young leaders.

Choir and altar serving: Young people can join our active choirs and serving teams (please register your interest by emailing, indicating which church you would like to attend). 

Life events: Information about baptism (christening) and confirmation may be found on our Life Events pages.

Youth group: A new, fortnightly youth group, FLAME, began in April 2023.  They meet term time every other Saturday April (11:00 to 13:30, St Peter’s Church House). Forthcoming sessions are:

13th January 

 27th January ,

 24th February, 

9th March,

and 23rd March